Celebratring the Life and Time's


                                                                                  Mr. Kenneth Singh




                                                             Sunrise 7/4/1966                                              Sunset 11/9/2011











                           Time comes and go people pass on                   

                          Like the drop from a tear, here are gone                  

                           We can give a little more love and share                 

                            Show some appreciation and care                         

                            Please try to understand                 

                         How the angel came and took his hand                

                                  They came and called his name                 

                                     We know life will not be the same.                      


                                God gave us something to do                                 

                                    One was to watch and care for you                                   

                                  Think of us and bless the time and years                                     

                                  We share, releasing our pain will flow in tears                                     

                                   If I can tell you what God plan                        

                                  You would not still believe or understand.                                  



                                       If you can help someone who's in sorrow or pain                                   

                               Then you would say in your prayer, my days was not in vain                       

                               I know I will be contented, that my life was worthwhile                          

                                 Knowing on my journey along the way, I made somebody smile.                       



 May God forgive your sins for what you may have done wrong known and unknow

May your soul be release in this untimely death

And God grant unto you Kenneth Singh some peaceful rest.


                             To:- Brother Kenneth Singh




                                Poem By- Shairoon Mohammed Sookdeo


                              View- http://angelpublishing.yolasite.com


























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